Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Repairing scrapes/scratches on metallic paint?

I own a metallic green Ford Fiesta (mk 6). Feeling a little overconfident recently I drove the car into the driveway a little too tightly and quickly and scraped the passenger side wheel arch against the white concrete gatepost. I've already removed the white paint that scuffed onto the car with methylated spirits however I'm left with scratches (one square shaped and several lines) that seem to have gone below the green paintwork to the white bumpy textured stuff underneath. Any ideas on a home solution to this? I'm more worried about keeping out the rust rather than having a seamless new-looking paintjob. Thanks in advance.Repairing scrapes/scratches on metallic paint?
before rust starts cover local area except for damaged area with newspaper stuck down with masking tape. treat any rust with rust preventative (looks like milk and dries dark) spray the damage with metal primer. mix a little filler and hardner, spread this in to fill depth of scratches. leave 4 hours. rub down with fine wet%26amp;dry emery paper use water and finest wet and dry for smooth finish.dry off, wait 4 hours, get exact metalised colour from auto paint shop in fine spray form. make sure finishish is smooth and dry, spray area lightly from about 10 - 12 inches from surface, (dont continue to spray to make it thicker) lightly sparay again with 1/2 hour break between coats (about 4 coats). you may have to apply final laquer/shine finish. finally remove paper and tape. lightly rub over area with cutting cream, polish with wax polish later. the exact colour will probably be on the VIN plate under the bonnet, as a code No so let the auto paint Co see that to mix the correct colour. follow instructions on the canRepairing scrapes/scratches on metallic paint?
you can get touch up kits online the key would be to prepare properly it will be hard to match the existing finish but will prevent rust.

you can also get kits from halfords but they are more pricey

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